Meet the Creatures
The Nirks®
The Nirks® are a diverse group of puppet characters from lovable critters to planets to astronomical wonders! Learn more about them all here! Have a particular question? Ask the Nirks here!

Meet Vincent! He's the lovable little cyclops that loves music, astronomy and his friends! He loves exploring and making new friends. Singing, learning and having fun are his favorite things to do.
Fun Facts:
-His Favorite Actor – Vincent Price
-His Favorite Singer – Vincent Furnier (aka Alice Cooper)
-Vincent is actually named after his favorite actor and his favoirte singer!
-Favorite Holiday – Halloween
-Family – Has a twin sister named Vincenza and a pet whatchmathingy named Wombly.
-Favorite Monument - The Eiffel Tower (Eye-ful tower...)
-Favorite movie - I-Robot
-Favorite radio station - ICAN (International Children's Art's Network)
-Favorite type of movie - I-max
-Vincent has a detachable head! He can decapitate himself and float around as just a head! Cool, huh!
-Favorite musical instrument - The Contrabassoon
-Favorite Color - Purple
-Favorite Food - Ice Cream (well, gelato actually...)
-Wants to be an astronaut when he grows up!
-Favorite Song - Meet the Planets

The Planets
Get up close and personal with each planet HERE!
Fun Facts:
-There are 8 planets in our solar system including our own planet Earth!
-Mercury - Is the closest planet to the Sun but not the hottest.
-Venus - Is the 2nd planet from the Sun and is the hottest because her clouds hold in the Sun's heat.
-Earth - The 3rd planet from the Sun and the planet you live on. "Earth" means ground.
-Mars - The 4th planet from the Sun, and the reddest one.
-Jupiter - The 5th planet from the Sun, and the biggest one!
-Saturn - The 6th Planet from the Sun, with the most stunning rings around it.
-Uranus - The 7th Planet from the Sun, and the most tired one. That is why Uranus lays on its side.
-Neptune - The 8th Planet from the Sun, Neptune is the furthest away from us.

Meet Vincenza! She is Vincent's twin sister! She loves music, astronomy and her friends too! She's always at the height of fashion and learning new musical instruments all of the time.
Fun Facts:
-She has epic hair!
-Favorite musical instrument - The oboe
-She loves to play medieval musical instruments! In addition to the gralla, she also plays the rackett, curtal and the dulcian!
-Her favorite food besides I-scream cake is I-talian!
-Her favorite drink – I-ced tea
-Favorite Holiday – Halloween
-Family – Has a twin brother named Vincent
-She is a fashionista. She loves all things Italian fashion.
-Favorite show – Project Runway
-Favorite TV personality – Tim Gunn
-Wants to be a fashion designer when she grows up.
-Favorite color - Silver
-Favorite song - What Makes A Train Go?
-She is also named after Vincent Price and Vincent Furnier

The Sun
Meet the Sun. The Center of our Solar System! Whose the Star? Our Sun is the Star!
Learn more HERE
Fun Facts:
-Favorite Song - Meet the Planets
-Favorite Color - Yellow
-Favorite Pastime - Hosting the Name Your Moons Challenge
-Least Favorite Pastime - Going Supernova!
-Favorite Holiday - New Years! The Sun enjoys watching the colorful fireworks on Earth.
-We need the Sun! Without the Sun, we could not exist.
-It takes about 8 minutes for the Sun's light to reach us. So, if the Sun blinked off, we wouldn't know for eight minutes.​​​​​​​​​

Todd the Turkey
Meet Todd! The totally talented turkey! He is lovable, poofy feathered turkey that always seems to be getting into trouble.
Fun Facts:
-Todd is an Osceola Wild Turkey
-Favorite song - Eat Tofurkey
-Favorite Food - Cabbage
-Favorite Holiday - Arbor Day. Todd loves trees!
-Least favorite Holiday - Thanksgiving. He is always worried he will be stuffed and cooked for dinner, even though Nirks don't eat friends.
-Favorite musical instrument is the Harp. He also plays the drums...with his drum sticks...
-Favorite hobby - Tap dancing. He learned to tap dance from Spot the Spider.
-Favorite color - orange.
-Family - 12 brothers and sisters live in Miami, Florida. Todd visits them every winter.

The Dwarf Planets
Meet the Dwarf Planets! They are like Planets, but smaller and still orbiting with space debris like the asteroid or kuiper belts.
Learn more HERE
Fun Facts:
-Ceres - Is the smallest of the dwarf planets and the only one in the inner solar system.
-Pluto - Has more moons than all of the inner solar system combined.
-Haumea - Is egg shaped from spinning so fast. Haumea also has rings!
-Makemake - Is the reddest dwarf planet.
-Eris - is the furthest dwarf planet from the Sun.​​​​

Meet Baabette! She's the lavender lamb extraordinaire! A fabulous trumpet player with a big heart!
Fun Facts:
-Baabette loves cheese.
-Favorite musical instrument is the Trumpet
-Favorite color - Blue
Favorite Song - Let's Make Some Shapes!
-Wants to be a professional Jazz Trumpet player when she grows up
-She is lavender because she forgot to remove a pair of bright red socks before taking a bath one day. She is happy with the result.
-Favorite holiday is Easter.
-Family - several cousins that live across the US. Baabette convinced all of her cousins to bathe with red socks on too, so the whole family is lavender.

The Moon (Luna)
Meet Luna, our Moon! Earth's best friend!
Learn more HERE
Fun Fact
-There are lots of different types of moons we can see in our sky. Our moon has 8 phases, and can also be different colors at times too!

Miss Chevious
Meet Miss Chevious! The Singing Siren! Sirens are creatures from Greek Mythology that can lure and manipulate people with their singing. This effect doesn’t seem to work on the Nirk creatures, though. They just get annoyed.
Fun Facts:
-She sings at the Comedy Crypt nightclub every Thursday and Saturday night.
-Favorite Song - Where is the Werewolf and What Does He Wear?
-Favorite Music - Jazz and Opera
-Favorite Color - Pink
-Favorite Holiday - Winter Solstice
-Favorite Musical Instruments - The Flute & Piccolo
-Someday she hopes to be a news reporter… or an auctioneer.
-Family - 2 sisters that both live near the island of Crete. They enjoy singing to the passing ships...

The Stars
Meet the Stars! There are billions and billions of them! We can't meet them all, but we can sure try!
Learn more HERE
Fun Fact:
​Stars are massive balls of gas that are very far away! If we could travel at the speed of light, it would still take over 4 years to reach our closest neighboring star, Proxima Centauri.

Meet Randall, the reindeer. This reindeer loves helping and entertaining his friends with his percussive musical talents!
Fun Facts:
-Family - Randall is Rudolph’s 2nd cousin, once removed.
-Randall’s favorite food is NOT candy corn! He likes regular corn and pop corn. Carl the Candy corn is one of Randall's best friends.
-Randall fills in for sick reindeer or reindeer on sabbatical. He usually gets to go on the delivery flight with Santa every other year.
-Randall Spends his summertime in Bermuda.
-He spends his fall at Castle Nirkenstein as a personal guest of Vincent. He loves trick-or-treating.
-Favorite Musical Instruments - Anything you can shake, scrape or hit!
-Randall is a fantastic percussionist! His favorite percussion instrument is the gong.
-Randall often entertains Santa and the elves with his musical sleigh bell routine.
-Favorite Song - I'm Me
-Favorite Color - Red
-Randall's nose doesn't glow. He's just really cold.

Dwarf Planet Candidates
Meet the Dwarf Planet Candidates! They aren't official dwarf planets but hope to be! Who will be promoted?
Learn more HERE
Fun Fact:
There are actually over hundreds of dwarf planet candidates. Some are so far away that we can't learn enough about them to know if they actually qualify.

Meet Pumpy the Pumpkin! The fantastic pumpkin that once rode with the Headless Horseman.
Fun Facts:
-Pumpy is a music lover! He loves classical music, especially the Tuba!
-Pumpy loves Halloween but he hates Thanksgiving. He is always worried that one of the other Nirks is going to turn him into a pie.
-Pumpy is an enchanted pumpkin. He can talk and float around.
-Pumpy is not a fan of the Headless Horseman. He used to work for him, but got tired of the Horseman always throwing him at people.
-Favorite Color - Green
-Favorite Song - Today is Halloween
-Family - 250 brothers and sisters from the pumpkin patch. Many have gone on to be epic Jack-o-lanterns.

Meet the Asteroids! They are oddly shaped rocks, not spheroids!
Learn more HERE
Fun Fact:
​There are millions of asteroids in our solar system alone and each one is unique!

Spot the Spider
Meet Spot, the adorable spider. Spider's get a bad rap, as being creepy and crawly, but spot is adorable and loves to tap dance to make his friends smile.
Fun Facts:
-Loves to Tap Dance! His Favorite Tap Dancers – Fred Astaire and Savion Glover
-Favorite Quote – “Please don’t squish me.”
-Favorite Holiday – Hanukkah - Spot loves making snowflake webs as decorations.
-Family – Has a cousin named Spec
-Favorite color - Chartreuse
-Favorite Song - Spider's Web
-Named spot because someone saw him once and said "Hey what's that Spot on the wall." the name just stuck.
-Favorite Musical Instrument - The Violin

Meet the Exoplanets! Planets that orbit other stars, not our sun. There are lots of other solar systems out there waiting to be explored.
Learn more HERE
Fun Fact:
-Scientists and Astronomers have found several exoplanet candidates that are in the goldilocks zone of their star. Meaning, they could support life.

Mr. Shovels
Meet Mr. Shovels the person of snow! Enchanted by the witches at castle Nirkenstein, Mr. Shovels can never melt!
Fun Facts:
-Mr. Shovels does not like the warm weather and long walks on the beach. He prefers a nice igloo and a scoop of gelato.
-He enjoys playing penguin games with all of the penguins in Antarctica.
-He hangs out regularly with his cousin The Abominable Snowman (nicknamed Abs) from Siberia. Santa’s reindeer “borrow” his sleigh to help Mr. Shovels and Abs get around to visit each other.
-Favorite Color - Turquoise
-Favorite Song - Snow Day
-Favorite Sport - Bobsledding
-Doesn't actually own a shovel
-Favorite Musical Instrument - The Cello
-Favorite Movie - March of the Penguins​​

Universal Wonders
Meet the Universe! From comets to nebulae. Galaxies to quasars and even black holes. We have Nirks fro them all!
Learn More HERE
Fun Fact:
-The universe is so incredibly vast that it is impossible to comprehend, but we sure can try!

Spice Monkey
Meet Spice Monkey! He's a banana loving, funky monkey with an attitude!
Fun Facts:
-Loves Bananas
-Loves Banana Cream Pie
- Not a great speller, but excellent at math - especially fractions (all of the banana cream pies seem to help.)
-Favorite Musical Instrument is the trombone. His arms are too short to play the lowest notes, so he uses his tail,
-Favorite Song - Banana
-Favorite Movie - Monkey Business
-Least favorite movie - Planet of the Apes - No monkeys or bananas​​
-Favorite Color - Yellow

Aloisious (Al) T. Alien
Meet Al the Alien! He helps Vincent and the Nirks travel out into the cosmos to meet all of the planets and dwarf planets, comets, stars and explore the universe! He's the only one of the Nirks that has actually mastered space travel.
Fun Facts:
-He's from a solar system around the star Trappist.
-Favorite Musical Instrument - The French Horn
-Favorite Color - Gold
-Favorite Song - Alien Angels
-Hides out in Castle Nirkenstein so the government can't find him and experiment on him
-Favorite Food - Chocolate
-Favorite Sport - Baseball. Has an excellent pitching arm and can hurl heavy objects really far!

Mo the Mummy
Meet Mo the Mummy! Mo loves to bring joy by painting portraits of all of his friends.
Fun Facts:
-Mo comes from Egypt.
-Full Name - Ahmose
-He is 4,234 years old. He looks pretty good for his age.
-His favorite hobby is painting. He loves painting portraits of his friends, The Nirks!
-Mo loves to dance like Elvis! He has learned all his moves! And, he plans on visiting Vegas to audition for an Elvis revival show.
-Mo’s favorite artist is Van Gogh.
-His favorite sport is football. He works with the trainers and helps players wrap their injuries.
-His favorite musical instrument is the Clarinet.
-Favorite Food - Lettuce Wraps
-Favorite Color - Beige

Augustus (Gus) T. Ghost
Meet Gus! The loveable little ghost that haunts Castle Nirkenstein.
Fun Facts:
-Favorite Musical Instrument - The Viola. It's haunting.
-Favorite food - Gorgonzola Burgers
-Favorite Game - Hide and Seek
-Favorite Sport - Golf
-Family - The Nirks. Vincent found Gus in the castle one day when he was in the kitchen and sneezed over a bag of flour. Gus was lost, so the Nirks invited him to live with them in Castle Nirkenstein. He fits right in.​

Fuzzy Furrwater
Meet Fuzzy, the cool cat! He is a black alley cat that loves all things Cool!
Fun Facts:
-Favorite musical instrument is the Bass, because it is cool, and he's a cool cat.
-Favorite Musical - Cats
-Favorite Song - Halloween
-Favorite Color - Black
-Favorite Holiday - Saint Patricks Day
-Favorite Food - Tuna and Candy Corn​

Meet Wombly. No one really knows what Wombly is really...
Fun Facts:
-Family - One pet named Vincent (a little purple cyclops)
-Wombly has 20/30 vision – in 3 eyes, 20/15 - in 2 eyes, 20/100 - in 3 eyes and 20/20 in his center eye.
-Wombly doesn’t eat. He doesn’t have a mouth. (Otherwise he would eat Carl the candy corn.) He lives off of different hues of light that he sees through his eyes. He finds rainbows particularly tasty.
-Wombly has suction cups on his back and side like an octopus. They help him cling to walls and ceilings.

The Gobbling Goblins
Meet the Gobbling Goblins! The trouble making, candy eating creatures that run amok every Halloween!
Fun Facts:
-Gobbling Goblins come out on Halloween to Trick-or-treat. They stay out all night collecting and eating candy and all have belly aches the next morning.
-Hurley's favorite hobby is writing poetry.
-Clementine is not a fan of poetry. Especially Hurley’s poems.
-Clementine prefers listening to heavy metal music.
-Barry likes to watch darts on TV. His favorite player is “The Pie Man.”
-Barry also likes pie.
-Jo is the youngest gobbling goblin.
-Jo thinks watching darts is boring. She prefers to watch bowling.
-When it’s not Halloween season and there is no trick-or-treating, the goblins like to sneak into your house and hide your keys and steal your socks. (Only the left ones)
-Their favorite show is the Three Stooges.
-Favorite Food - Candy Corn.

Nicole Buetti
Meet Nicole, the person behind the creatures. Like right behind us. For some reason she always follows us around. Weird.
Fun Facts:
-She loves furry cute creatures.
-Favorite food - Gelato
-Favorite movie - Howl's Moving Castle
-Favorite Song - I'm Me​

Carl the Candy Corn
Meet Carl! Poor Carl can't seem to catch a break! He's just too delicious! Mmmm. Candy Corn... Yum!
Fun Facts:
-Least Favorite Holiday- Halloween. The Gobbling Goblins always chase him around and try to eat him.
- Doesn't mind Christmas. The Goblins usually forget about him and chase Clarence the Candy Cane around instead.
-Favorite Food - Neapolitan Ice Cream
-Most well known quote - "AHHHHHHHH!"
-Favorite Song - Meet A Nebula. He likes how colorful they are and that they don't eat candy corn.
-Doesn't enjoy brass instruments. Too many times being stuffed in a bell and used as a mute.
-Favorite Musical Instrument - The Guiro
-Favorite Color - Puse

Dirk Montapert
Meet Dirk, the Halloween expert! He loves Halloween as much as all of the Nirks!
Fun Facts:
-Throws Epic Halloween Haunt Parties
-Favorite food - Sushi
-Favorite movie - Spirited Away
-Favorite Song - I'm A little Monster​